Sunday, September 11, 2011


We (Dad and Mom Cole and us) left Roanoke, VA on Sunday afternoon and headed straight to Corolla, North Carolina (The Outerbanks=OBX) and got there Sunday evening!

We wasted NO time and got to the beach first thing Monday morning...the boys L.O.V.E.D. it!!!!

Above pic. Cy spots the beach! (He has been to the beach a couple times before this, but he doesn't really remember it! This was a LOT of fun for him!)

Building sand castles!
On your mark...get set...

Nolan wasn't a huge fan of having sand all over him, but we kept his water shoes on and he was good! He really enjoyed playing in the sand and water!

He wore himself out quickly by playing so much...

Taking a rest!

We spotted this really cool sand castle while on the beach one evening! Cy loved playing in it!

Little beach bums!

BIGGEST flip flop ever!

This thing was so big it was hilarious!

We went to the aquarium on Roanoke Island and had a great afternoon! We have been once before, years ago, but decided to visit again.

Nolan is really into looking at things and pointing at them! He really liked looking at the fish.

They had an AWESOME exhibit for sea turtles...

Step 1: Choose a turtle and take it to the "lab" to get an x-ray.

Cy's turtle had swallowed something that was not food. Probably a bottle top or some type of plastic.

Step 2: Take your turtle to the rehabilitation station and give him the proper medication.

Cy got to give his turtle an oral antibiotic and also an enema! (haha)

Step 3: Send your healthy turtle back into the ocean!

They had a huge take with several LARGE sharks! We got to see scuba divers go into the tank and answer questions the audience had. It was pretty cool.

Really cool globe, you can't tell because of the flash on the camera, but the room was dark and the globe is neon! Very neat!

Outside there is an area to dig shark teeth and fossils.

Nolan was holding Cy's snake while he was digging for fossils! :)

We went to the beach EVERYDAY...obviously! (It was a 5 minute walk from our house)...And sometimes we went twice! The waves were large, up to 7 feet one day becuse of the tropical storms going on out in the Atlantic...the weather however was AMAZING, so the HUGE waves didn't stop us from having fun! :)

Cy was so proud... Here he is smiling because he was doing his "favorite part of the vacation"...flying his kite! :)

Happy little guy!

Cy wouldn't pose with us...he was too busy flying his kite! :)

These boys bring us so much JOY and I feel so blessed that we were able to take such a great, relaxing, FUN vacation!

I'm sad to see summer go, but it sure was a good one! :)

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