Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sick Boy!

Cy woke us up about 2:30 this morning (Thursday) coughing or barking rather, and wheezing TERRIBLY! Some friends of ours from church had recently told me about their youngest child and their terrifying experience with croup, so right when I heard him, I knew exactly what was happening. He ended up waking up about every hour and eventually I slept in his bed with him just to make sure he was breathing and to calm him when he woke up startled. I called his doctor at 8:00 am and we were in her office by 8:30. Sure enough, just as I expected, he had croup. He was administered a breathing treatment and we were sent home with a steriod and breathing treatments every 4 hours for 5 days! She also had him get a chest x-ray, just to make sure there wasn't anything else happening in his lungs, which came out perfect.

We came home and watched movies, took naps, and have relaxed all day. He said right before his nap, "Mom, I really hope I feel better in the morning!" It breaks your heart when you know there is nothing you can do to make your baby feel better! He is such a trooper, though!

The above pic. is our first breathing treatment at home. He thinks the dinosaur facemask is pretty cool! :)

Please pray for Cy, that he is able to rest well tonight and that there is minimal swelling in his windpipe and this all goes away QUICKLY! Please pray for Nolan that he doesn't become infected with this virus!!!

I'll keep you updated!

1 comment:

Kristie and Lance said...

Oh no! Poor Cy! I hope that he feels better soon. Will keep him in our prayers.