Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun filled weekend!

Fresh out of the bath tub!

Daddy and I getting a nap in before church!

This position may not look too comfy, but I was sleeping soo good!!

The Dad's and their boys!!(Lance and Carsen Ertel-Cyrus' second cousin)

Carsen came over to play with me on Sunday afternoon! We had a lot of fun playing and getting to know each other! I am looking forward to playing with him alot this summer!

Friday, April 18, 2008

6th month update

Mommy said "NO!" but Gamaw gave me some icing anyway!

One of my favorite things to play feet!

"Look, I have two teeth!!"

I went to the doctor this morning and things are looking great! I weigh 18 pounds 3 ounces and I am 28 inches long. I am in the 65th percentile for my weight and in the 90th percentile for my height. In other words, I'm a BIG boy!
You could say it has been a rough week! I have TWO teeth now and this morning I went through an earthquake and 3 shots!!! Whew! Life is rough.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

It's my 6th month Birthday today!

This is our cat Sunny! I love petting him, but he doesn't like it too much! I like to pull his hair and tail too...

I like to sit up in my swing!

My Grandma Cole and me!

Mommy, Sunny and me on a lazy Sunday afternoon! There's nothing like a nap after Church!

Time sure does fly! I'm 6 months old! I'm rolling over, sitting up all alone, and it's official...I have a TOOTH! It decided to pop out on Friday morning. I did pretty well through the whole thing. I would like to thank the makers of Orajel (so would my mommy and daddy!) for getting me through the pain! Bring on the pizza!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Great Outdoors!

It was a beautiful weekend. I got to spend a lot of time outside! I loved touching the grass and swinging on our swing in the backyard. I am looking forward to being outside and swimming this summer! My mommy got a new job and will only be working on Monday's and Tuesday's now, so we will be spending a lot of time outdoors exploring! We thank God for the beauty of nature and are so thankful for the warm weather!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I'm rolling over now!

Do I look like my mom or what?!?!?!

My jumparoo is my favorite!

Mom gave me a fo-hawk!

I'm on my belly because I rolled over, and I'm REALLY good at won't be long until I'm crawling!

Laughing out loud!

Me and Aunt Ceji!