Saturday, February 4, 2012

Zoo Day!

Wednesday was a BEAUTIFUL day, so we headed to the zoo with the Talley girls!
We got to the elephants just in time to see him pick who was going to win the superbowl! They put a paintbrush in his trunk and he walked up to the easels and predicted who would win...
he chose the Patriots....BOOOOOOO
This was really fun to watch, there were people inside videotaping it, so we are all on video...somewhere in cyber space! :)
The weather was PERFECT and all of the animals were up moving around! This lion was eyeing Cy...I think he was imagining eating him for dinner! :)
Look at those GIANT paws!!!
Pretending they are lions! :)

Nolan would RUN to me and wrap his arms around me every time the Tiger got close to the glass! It was soooo funny!

We probably had the best day (at the zoo) we have ever had! Most of the time, in the summer, the animals are too hot to move around, but this day was about 63* and SUNNY, and there was NO crowd at all!!!! It was a glorious day and we praise God for the wonderful/crazy February weather!

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