Tuesday, November 1, 2011


On our way out of the door Monday to go trick or treating we saw this in the sky RIGHT above our house! It was so cool. It was so close!!
Lightening McQueen's Pit Crew and a Little Monster! :)
I couldn't choose just one of those to post...sorry! haha!
Off we go!
All night he was saying, "We need tires, we need tires! Lightening blew a tire!!!"
Digging into the candy before we even got home!
Nolan wants some, too!
We literally went to the BEST neighborhood (for candy) EVER! A few houses we went to were giving out regular size candy bars!! Both kids have enough candy to last a month...so I'm sure they won't care if mom and dad help them out a bit! :)
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!

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