Saturday, July 16, 2011

VBS 2011

My room...Bondi Beach, Australia

Cy, surfing!
Beach BUM!

Nolan LOVED Boomer! He got to spend special time with him before the show...unfortunately I didn't get any pics. on my camera! There were pictures of him on the VBS slideshow, so I will find it and post soon!

Of course, Boomer came to visit us on Wednesday! He is SO much fun to watch and the kids go CRAZY, which is even more fun!

Aunt Abbie and Cy watching Boomer!

Closing ceremony, singing "Jesus Loves Me!"

"...He is STRONG"!!!

The BIBLE tells me so!

Well, what can I say, VBS was AWESOME! It was my first year to co-teach and it was a life changing experience! It was so great to spend special time with children of our church, of other churches in Indianapolis, and especially with children whom have no church home at all! I was really excited to have Cy in my class on Friday, when we also had our closing ceremony! Cy really surprised me by singing almost every word to every song, with EVERY motion! (and once pulling his shirt up and exposing his full, tan little belly!) I thank the Lord, for calling me to be a part of Vacation Bible School this year! He really did someting to my heart! :)

Enjoy some videos of the closing ceremony...don't mind my cracking up in the background, Cy was too cute and I couldn't contain my happiness!!! :)

1 comment:

Grandma said...

that was so sweet.. Cy was amazing!