Monday, May 23, 2011

Homerun Derby WINNER!

Last week, Cyrus competed in a Homerun Derby contest for the YMCA. Anyone interested made a small donation to the Y for children who want to be a part of a sport but can not afford it. Cyrus and several others participated and had a blast! There were cones set up about 20 feet from the T and you got 10 hits (from the T). One kid from Cy's team did great and was giving Cy a run for his money, but we found out on Saturday, Cy WON the contest with a whopping 5 homers! We were so proud of our big boy and he was SO excited that his prize was a really cool new baseball bat and ball! He is doing well, loving T-ball and learning a lot about baseball and teamwork! Thank you to his fans who have come out to watch! :)

1 comment:

Kristie and Lance said...

Way to go Cy!! I bet he would beat kids in the older age groups too. :) Send me a message on where the games are played and how many more he has. Hopefully we will be able to attend one!!!