Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring Fever!

G-Mom and G-Dad came to Fishers and took us out for breakfast. Afterwards they came over to play! G-Dad and I enjoyed watching a movie in my tent!
Mommy and her Valentines (minus Daddy)
Notice the red mark on Nolan's forehead...He has had an ear infection for several weeks and after taking his medication, broke out in hives. Our Dr. says he is allergic to penicillin. :(
These are eyeblack stickers (they go under the eyes when playing baseball or football) found me like this during my nap! They look like giant eyebrows! HAHAHAHA!!!
Cross country the living room!
Nice Mohawk Nolan!
Swimming with Papaw Black...Nolan's first time in the pool. To say that he loved it would be an understatement!
After bath photo shoot...Nice hair, dude
"I wear sunglasses because my future is so bright!"

I mentioned above that Nolan has an ear infection. We went to the doctor today for our THIRD follow up visit and learned that the ear infection is STILL there. We started our third different type of antibiotic and are praying that this one works. We go back in 2 weeks and if the infection is still there, he will get two antibiotic shots and will be referred to an ENT specialist. (Ear Nose and Throat). We are praying that God heals our precious little Nolan as we know he is not feeling great right now...he is also in the process of cutting 6, yes SIX teeth!!! A few of them are out and a few others are right at the gum...He will have 8 teeth VERY soon. {Mom is a little nervous about this as nursing and teeth DO NOT MIX! :)}
I on the other hand am doing great. I enjoyed the nice weather last week and played outside with my rollerblades, rode my bike, drew with my sidewalk chalk, and you bet I played baseball! It was nice to be out and about. We can't WAIT until spring gets here!!!

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