Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day at the Track!

Grandpa Cole, Daddy, Mommy and I went to the race track for Pole Day! Although the last time I went to the track I was only 7 months old, I had a BLAST!!!!

Grandpa shared his binoculars so I could get a good look down the stretch!

I had a great time!

We had perfect weather!

Grandpa brought me these really cool earplugs! I looked like SHREK with them in my ears!

"Daddy, I want to see Tony!"
(He was talking about Tony Kanaan, who is one of our favorite drivers who happened to wreck!)
Mommy and Baby Update: Mommy is now going to visit her doctor once a week-which seems incredible that it's moving along this FAST! Things are looking and sounding great, but the doctor said mommy's belly is measuring a little bit big...needless to say, she hope this means an early delivery (as long as the baby is healthy and ready!!!)
I am getting very excited to have a baby brother! I have been asking mommy and daddy a lot of questions about the baby and I am really excited to pass along my crib, glider and many other things...I don't need them anymore because I am such a BIG boy!
Daddy painted the nursery and it looks GREAT! Now all we need is the baby! :)

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