Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby, it's cold outside!

Mommy and Daddy took me outside to play on Wednesday!
It was my very first time to be in the snow and I loved it!
I had on so many layers it was really hard for me to walk! Not to mention I had on actual snow boots! (Size 6!! can you believe it!?!)
It was hard for me to get up when I fell!
I bet all of our family in Florida isn't missing this!!!
(It was 13 below when I got up this morning!!)
I had snow much fun!!
It's time to go in now!
I cried when mom said I had to go in...I love being outdoors and it was nice to be out and get some fresh air, even for only a few minutes.

Here are some of my favorite things:
Riding my rocking horse in my cowboy hat...naked!
"the face"!!!
and the "football face"!!!
Until next time....


Grandma said...

Hey, keep my baby inside until spring! It is way too cold for him to be outside. I am sure you didn't let him stay out very long. It is cool here in Florida too, but better yesterday and today. (low 70's) Back down in the 50's tomorrow though.
Sure do miss you guys. Love you.

Lauren and Zane said...

Hey Megan!
I found your blog on Facebook. You have such a beautiful family! Take care.

Lauren Cooper (Howard)

Sarah said...

what a fun time Cyrus!! I hope you can go out again real soon buddy. Luke is feeling like he wants to go out too.